REXOR itself formulates the lacquers, varnishes and adhesives used in coating and laminating. Rexor is equipped with a dosing information system for the various chemical constituents.
Rexor, certified EPCI (Environment Protection Classified Installation), has a production workshop of primary solutions and a computer-controlled varnish finishing workshop.
The formulation workshop complies with the highest standards and allows REXOR to transform solvents and other chemicals into varnishes and glues.
Maximum viscosity : 1500 to 2000 centiPoise
Packaging : drums or containers of 180 kg to 1500 kg
Total capacity of the workshop : 200 tons / month
What kind of glues and varnishes does REXOR offer ?
Primary solutions, varnish finishing, pigment grinding and dispersion, heat sealing varnishes…
REXOR can offer you complex formulas with exact dosages.